Let us not forget that Boneheads are people too. They have feelings and
emotions & care deeply about drinking, partying, and having a good time! Shown below are pictures of Boneheads
in their natural habitats...
Kyle is in the red shirt!
Three Amigo's
No Iraqi dared to fuck with us!
We love Scooby Doo, for those who dont know scooby, he is a fine lad who has been stripped of his man
hood by these two people. I still cant get over it!
Smoke some more you lungless piece of crap.
Hot Babe! I'm Jealous!
All the white guys get off the stage so the black guy can do some real singing!
You guys seen my dip???
Now that's gangsta!
Ah, Graham Central Station......good times!
Neither one of us has a LIVER!
Tan much?
Everyone of them has a life jacket on because none of them can swim!